South Africa a true picture of what Shrien Dewani faces

By HarryDampers | Monday, January 17, 2011, 12:15
It is an important topic , for Shrien Dewani it could well be life or death. Many Britons have not visited South Africa and those that have will mostly have been holidaymakers and will have been impressed by the beauty of the country.
Shrien Dewani will not be there for the beauty ...his life will be on the line.
Many South Africans are incredibly patriotic fact they do not seem to realise when their patriotism causes them to be more than a litte economical with the truth.
Here are some of the facts that effect the Dewani case :
1. The Police ForceHere is a short extract from a university paper on corruption in the South African Police Service:
" Furthermore, approximately one third were functionally illiterate, 30 000 policemen did not have drivers licenses and 20 000 policemen possessed criminal records (Business Day, 27 August, 2001). A key indicator of the size of the problem can be found in official figures revealing that 14 600 police members were facing criminal charges ranging from murder, rape, armed robbery, assault, theft and bribery to reckless driving during 2000 (Masuko, 2000). Therefore, it can be argued that the new South African Police Service could be likened to a poorly made barrel containing a large number of 'bad apples'. "That is pretty stunning isn't it ...these are the people that hold Dewani's life in their hands.
The Justice System
Described in 2008 by (then) deputy justice minister Johnny de Lange as :
"a dysfunctional criminal justice system that spans across multiple departments and agencies involving vast numbers of personnel, processes and information that has (sic) to function harmoniously, resulting in high levels of fragmentation, dysfunctionality, many blockages and obstacles, high levels of unaccountability and overall system weaknesses."Would any of you want your son or daughter to be tried by such a system ?
Two High Profile Recent Cases of corruption at high levelsBoth Fred Van Der Vyver and (seperate case) Glenn Agliotti were found not guilty in very high profile cases ...similar to the Dewani case.
Van Der Vyver is now sueing the minister of police for more than R40 million in damages for irregular prosecution after he was aquited in November 2007 on charges that he murdered his girlfriend Inge Lotz in March 2005.
In both cases , evidence was fabricated by South Africans to make innocent men look guilty.
In the Agliotti case the judge had this to say :
“It is clear … that the Directorate of Special Operations (DAO) – and its predecessor the Scorpions – wanted the accused so badly that it did not matter how evidence was procured to prosecute him.”
“There was an abuse ot the system by police. My considered view is that if this state of affairs … is allowed … to persist, we should all be very afraid,” said and added that the interference with witnesses pointed to the irregular action of the investigators and the investigating team.
About the supplementary affidavit by the state’s key witness, Clinton Nassif, Kgomo said that “the timing of the … affidavit points to a pre-determined, pre-meditated course of action to implicate the accused.
The judge compared the case to some scenes from the book and film, The Godfather and said among others the “Section 204 witnesses, a rendition of their evidence was like a scene from a Mafia film. It was tragic, emotionless, cold and comical … only that it was real and serious.”
The case was characterized by “hidden, sinister agendas with shady characters, ostensibly croocked business persons, and corrupt civil servants who dined with the devil,” he said.Yes , this is the "fair trial" that may face British citizen Shrien Dewani anyone fooled by these South Africans ?
I wonder how many innocent men are languishing in South African jails because of the corruption that is rife in that country ....after all we only see those cases where the South African police and prosecution are CAUGHT.
Shrien Dewani will not be there for the beauty ...his life will be on the line.
Many South Africans are incredibly patriotic fact they do not seem to realise when their patriotism causes them to be more than a litte economical with the truth.
Here are some of the facts that effect the Dewani case :
1. The Police ForceHere is a short extract from a university paper on corruption in the South African Police Service:
" Furthermore, approximately one third were functionally illiterate, 30 000 policemen did not have drivers licenses and 20 000 policemen possessed criminal records (Business Day, 27 August, 2001). A key indicator of the size of the problem can be found in official figures revealing that 14 600 police members were facing criminal charges ranging from murder, rape, armed robbery, assault, theft and bribery to reckless driving during 2000 (Masuko, 2000). Therefore, it can be argued that the new South African Police Service could be likened to a poorly made barrel containing a large number of 'bad apples'. "That is pretty stunning isn't it ...these are the people that hold Dewani's life in their hands.
The Justice System
Described in 2008 by (then) deputy justice minister Johnny de Lange as :
"a dysfunctional criminal justice system that spans across multiple departments and agencies involving vast numbers of personnel, processes and information that has (sic) to function harmoniously, resulting in high levels of fragmentation, dysfunctionality, many blockages and obstacles, high levels of unaccountability and overall system weaknesses."Would any of you want your son or daughter to be tried by such a system ?
Two High Profile Recent Cases of corruption at high levelsBoth Fred Van Der Vyver and (seperate case) Glenn Agliotti were found not guilty in very high profile cases ...similar to the Dewani case.
Van Der Vyver is now sueing the minister of police for more than R40 million in damages for irregular prosecution after he was aquited in November 2007 on charges that he murdered his girlfriend Inge Lotz in March 2005.
In both cases , evidence was fabricated by South Africans to make innocent men look guilty.
In the Agliotti case the judge had this to say :
“It is clear … that the Directorate of Special Operations (DAO) – and its predecessor the Scorpions – wanted the accused so badly that it did not matter how evidence was procured to prosecute him.”
“There was an abuse ot the system by police. My considered view is that if this state of affairs … is allowed … to persist, we should all be very afraid,” said and added that the interference with witnesses pointed to the irregular action of the investigators and the investigating team.
About the supplementary affidavit by the state’s key witness, Clinton Nassif, Kgomo said that “the timing of the … affidavit points to a pre-determined, pre-meditated course of action to implicate the accused.
The judge compared the case to some scenes from the book and film, The Godfather and said among others the “Section 204 witnesses, a rendition of their evidence was like a scene from a Mafia film. It was tragic, emotionless, cold and comical … only that it was real and serious.”
The case was characterized by “hidden, sinister agendas with shady characters, ostensibly croocked business persons, and corrupt civil servants who dined with the devil,” he said.Yes , this is the "fair trial" that may face British citizen Shrien Dewani anyone fooled by these South Africans ?
I wonder how many innocent men are languishing in South African jails because of the corruption that is rife in that country ....after all we only see those cases where the South African police and prosecution are CAUGHT.